shows the flag at Boat Show Denmark

The dating site for sailors hopes to get even more wind in the sails in the meeting with the many thousands of visitors at Boat Show Denmark

In a month's time, Denmark's largest indoor boat show will open in Fredericia, where you can find sailboats, motorboats, equipment, sailing clothing and - who knows - maybe even find a partner to share the sailing life with?

In any case, you can meet the startup company among the exhibitors, which has experienced steadily increasing user numbers since its foundation in the summer of 2021.

- We are up to 1400 users, but of course we would like to have even more of the estimated 20.000 sailing singles here at home talking, and the Boat Show is a perfectly obvious forum, states owner and founder Lisbeth Rejsenhus from Viborg.

The idea of ​​creating a dating site for sailors arose when she became single herself seven years ago and returned wholeheartedly to sailing after a long break. She realized it would be ideal to find a boyfriend who shared her interest in sailing and life on the water in general.

Someone to share your lifestyle with

- Sailing is a time-consuming interest, and for many of us it is a lifestyle that creates a lot of value in our lives. And it makes good sense to have a partner who shares that lifestyle, points out Lisbeth Rejsenhus.

Friends jokingly suggested that she should make a sailor dating site - a bit like farmers have "Farmerdating" - and from being a curious idea she has turned it into reality with

- Our dating site is by sailors, for sailors, so I hope a lot of people will stop by our stand and have a chat. We are also thinking of holding a small gathering in the fair's lounge, where you can come and have refreshments and meet others you might be on the same wavelength with, says the Viborg resident. She adds that also working on making a summer trip for singles, in collaboration with Danske Tursejlere.

It's free to create a profile on, and you can thus see if there are any good matches before you decide whether you want to upgrade to a Sejler+ membership, where you get access to more functions on the site.

Boat Show Denmark in MESSE C Fredericia takes place over two weekends, 24-26. February and 2-5 March 2023.